Dear God,
I need some clarification here..
K, so I know the most amazing woman in the world. She has spent her life devoted to You, and to helping everyone around her! Every year she collects everyones coppers, and saves for what we call "Mar-Mars blind boys". Everyday she opens her home to anyone that's upset, or just in need of a cuppa. She NEVER EVER complains, ever.
She had a stroke a few years back, and always told us she'd just broken her leg running for the bus =P
Even now, as I watch her becoming more frail, and helpless... she doesn't complain, and is still as generous as ever... And is lying in her bed, surrounded by her Rosaries, crosses, prayers, you name it, I find myself asking: God.. this woman has done nothing to harm anyone for her entire life, nothing but love and help... Why would you curse her with such a horrible illness, such a long, drawn out illness... That's not only hurting her, but everyone she's ever cared for too..
My little brother, "Mar-Mars boy" as he's called, is the only one not to cry, the only one that could hold it together when we visited her today. Afterwards, he comforted me when he saw I was upset. He's going to be just like her when he grows up, a loving person! He keeps asking why everyone else is crying though... He has it figured out, but I'm betting he just doesn't want it to be true... "Y'know, I really love Mar-Mar" he keeps saying, "She's my favourite Auntie"
It was so hard to say goodbye today, she's like a 3rd nanny, but better! Leaving her room, where she's bedridden now, she said "Keep me in your prayers, love".
See, even then God, she's still keeping her faith in you! I told her I would, and kept telling her I loved her, over and over again, and said I'd see her at the weekend...
My point is, WHY? Why make her go through this!? This... cancer!!! She does not deserve this!! No-one does!
Please, stop this! Because if Auntie Maura's taken, we'll all be lost...
9 years ago